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Love love LOVE getting these little boosts of energy through your newsletter my friend.... needed to hear it today. J caffeine for the soul. definitely gave me a jumpstart just now. THANK YOU!

Proud of who you are, how you live, and the work you do (<-in order of prio!)..

Love and xoxoxox

jessica flannery

Been missing this bro! Thank you.

Praying for you bro, that you be consistently amazed and blessed by what you do, and that you will see the full fruit of your labor in your life and in the lives of those you encourage.

Ok. Back to work!


I am reading your blog.. you are such an inspiration, everything you write I relate to. You are GREAT!

Katie Cryer



I loved your last 2 posts! Thank you, thank you for writing... I know it's hard when you also are balancing a personal life and a career to take the time and reflect and post it in such an eloquent, fun and simple way for us to digest... Now, I'm not affiliated with any religion, but I am trying to be as spiritual as possible. And without notes like yours, it would be much harder to stay grounded.

Much love,


A good friend of mine, Jullien Gordon, is a trailblazer. He has many things up his creative sleeve.

I was having a meal with him one day and I had just finished sending my personal Mission, Vision, and WoManifesto to a friend when he tells me that people need to follow successful models of living/functioning. He used an enterprise or an organization as an example. What SUCCESSFUL organization would go without advisors/board members? What SUCCESSFUL enterprise functions without a vision, mission, or tangible goals? What SUCCESSFUL business doesn't do a SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)? What SUCCESSFUL non-profit doesn't examine it's programs and projects and determine how to make it better? What organizational entity goes without a strategic plan or budget? I agreed with him, not because those are things I've already considered and use for myself, but because too many people I know have never been asked what their purpose, mission, or vision is.

So I went to Jullien's Blogspot, and just started reading. I envision this education being as visible in schools as media literacy, visual & performing arts, sports, entrepreneurial education, and music. How do we send our children- hell how did we?!- into the world without having determined themselves "CEO" of their own lives? As Jullien says: "Instead of focusing so much on complex institutions like Fortune 500 companies, the educational system, and the government, we should direct more of our energy toward developing the institution of the individual. All large institutions are made of individuals, therefore the better the individuals, the better the institution. 'Start-up' with yourself."


Keep believing in your vision ju. i hate restating cliches but remember that whole 'anything worthwhile takes time to manifest' idea when things get tough. happy new year!



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Jullien's Purpose Statement

My purpose is to help as many people as possible reach their full potential by helping them making a living doing what they love and in the process of doing so achieve my own. I want to do this through writing, speaking, and creating offline and online spaces that facilitate conversations around purpose.

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