Do you really know your partner? The last thing we want to do is wake up after 25 years of marriage and realize that we don't know the person sleeping next to us. However, we assume that our countless conversations and time together have helped us paint accurate pictures of one another's lives. That's not always true because we spend so much of the early stages of our relationships trying to sell ourselves that our authentic selves don't surface until it's too late!
Below is a fun weekend activity to do with your partner to fill in the gaps. At the end of the exercise, you will feel more connected then ever before.
Filling the Gaps Storytelling Ritual
To connect two souls on a deeper level by facilitating an authentic conversation about their lives
Honesty, 1-2 hours, and a quiet comfortable space (preferably in nature)
Imagine that the two partners are Eve and Adam.
1. Eve speaks as if she is Adam. Eve will share the life of Adam as she knows and understands it with as much detail as possible starting from Adam's birth through today all the way to the through to Adam's life vision and goals. Eve will include all of the important people, places, and events in Adam's life that make Adam who he is.
2. Afterwards, Adam will be able to ask Eve any questions that he wants about his own life to refresh Eve's memory of the things that are truly important to him (ie What happened in 6th grade that changed your world view?). It's okay for Eve to say I don't remember.
3. Finally, Adam fills in any important gaps that Eve missed and should know about and corrects anything that Eve may have been misinterpreted.
4. In round 2, Eve and Adam switch roles and repeat steps 1, 2, and 3.
This could be the most important 2 hours of your relationship. Let me know how it goes.Peace,
i love this idea!